Written by Monday, 22 January 2018 Published in Berita
Hearing a whistle when walking up the stairs next to a construction site was never a compliment for any woman. Getting called “sayang” or “neng” while going down a road does not make women feel better. Waiting for the bus and being stared at a large group of men is not going to end in her picking one of them as her husband. Catcalling happens all over the world and is defined by the Oxford Dictionary as “A loud whistle or a comment of a sexual nature made by a man to a passing woman“. The men who are catcalling…
Written by Thursday, 11 January 2018 Published in Berita
The Department of Social Development and Safety (PSdK) from the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences at Gadjah Mada University presents an exhibition of activities by the Community Development as a collection for its 60s birthday. The activities that carry the theme “Harmonization for Development and just Societies” will continue for 3 years in the hallway of the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences of UGM. To support the success of the event, PSdK invited all different kinds of small or medium enterprises in Yogya and surroundings to exhibit food or self-made products. Rifka Annisa gets the chance to present…
Written by Thursday, 11 January 2018 Published in Berita
As total of 100 visually impaired persons from the community of Al Hikma, Pandeyan, Umbulharjo Yogyakarta joins together on a discussion with the theme of “Building a Harmonious Family” on Sunday (22/10). The said activity started off with a religious recitation that is led by one of the community member and onto the discussion session. During the introduction session, the presenters from Rifka Annisa gave a few questions concerning the purpose of marriage, obstacles that are faced, along with the role of a husband and wife at home. The participants seemed enthusiastic, as evidenced by the overwhelming responses from each…
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