Written by Friday, 28 July 2017 Published in Berita
Gunungkidul – The issue of child marriage may no longer be a new issue but it has been a problem that has not been resolved until now. Many teenagers do not really understand what an child marriage is and the bad effects of having an marriage in early age. According to the problem, it needs a accompaniment for young generations to increase their understanding. In this case, Rifka Annisa actively conducts discussions with the teenagers. The topic for each discussions are different. Rifka Annisa held a discussion with teenagers in the Kepek village Saptosari district Gunungkidul regency to prevention child…
Written by Friday, 28 July 2017 Published in Berita
Gunungkidul – The members of Forum for Handling Victims of Violence against Women and Children (FPK2PA) often face difficulties to implement their work plan. The main difficulty is coordination. Members feel lack of coordination therefore the program work plan is hampered in its implementation. Such problems also faced by the FPK2PA in Ngalang District, Gedangsari, Gunungkidul.            “This is our weakness. We need to improve cooperation in program implementation,” Ayuk said – one of the FPK2PA Ngalang member on program work plan coordination meeting in Rumah Pintar, Saturday (22/7). This meeting was also attended by Kaderi as Ngalang headmen and…
Written by Wednesday, 26 July 2017 Published in Berita
WATES - Kasus kekerasan seksual pada anak di Kulonprogo setiap tahun terus meningkat. Beberapa hal ditengarai menjadi penyebabnya, seperti budaya yang menganggap perempuan sebagai objek seksual, kesepian, sampai penetrasi internet yang semakin masif sehingga akses ke pornografi semakin terbuka. Dinas Sosial, Pemberdayaan Perempuan dan Perlindungan Anak (Dinsos P3A) Kulonprogo mencatat, pada 2015 terjadi 15 kasus kekerasan seksual, meningkat menjadi 23 kasus pada 2016. Sedangkan sampai Juni 2017 telah terjadi 16 kasus kekerasan seksual. Kekerasan seksual bahkan menduduki peringkat pertama untuk segala macam jenis kekerasan di Bumi Menoreh. Kabid Perlindungan Perempuan dan Anak, Dinsos P3A Kulonprogo, Woro Kandini menyatakan, pelaku kekerasan…
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