Written by Wednesday, 02 May 2018 Published in Berita
On Thursday the 25th of the January, UN WOMEN visited Gunungkidul district with the intention of observing the Men Care Plus program, facilitated by Rifka Annisa. Various nations represented UN WOMEN at the visit including Lebanon, Morocco, Palestine and Egypt. The original meeting was held at the Office of the Regional Secretariat of Gunungkidul, attending the meeting were representatives from Gunungkidul, several local government agencies in Gunungkidul, and Rifka Annisa as the program organizers of Men Care Plus. The discussion lasted for two hours, starting from 10:00 until 12:00 pm. During the discussion, the representative of the bupati of Gunungkidul…
Written by Tuesday, 24 April 2018 Published in Berita
"We've heard the Javanese phrase: Jaran kepang jaran kore, wong lanang menangan dhewe (men always want to win their desire, red.) The phrase is perceived to be trigger of domestic violence, what is your opinion?" asked the moderator to Jatmiko, followed by audience laughter. Jatmiko, alumni of father class of Men Care program in Bendung Village, Semin sub district, Gunungkidul, was given opportunity to share stories and experiences in discussions facilitated by Rifka Annisa.  The discussion was part of Jagongan Media Rakyat (JMR) even, held at the Jogja National Museum on Thursday the 8th of March. The JMR was coordinated…
Written by Tuesday, 24 April 2018 Published in Berita
Children are usually more likely to vent to their mother than to their father. No wonder sometimes a father is confused with what is actually being experienced by the child, whether they are felling sad, embarrassed, angry or afraid. Dads have the same capacity as mums to understand the dynamics of children’s lives, including their feelings. When children grieve, or are afraid or anything, it is not only a mother’s duty to help them overcome these problems. Some of the ways listed below may be used by fathers in order to help children cope with their feelings. Overcoming Child Guilt:…
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