Creating a Harmonious Family with The Al-Hikmah Community

Written by  Cornelia C Doa Thursday, 11 January 2018 12:58

As total of 100 visually impaired persons from the community of Al Hikma, Pandeyan, Umbulharjo Yogyakarta joins together on a discussion with the theme of “Building a Harmonious Family” on Sunday (22/10). The said activity started off with a religious recitation that is led by one of the community member and onto the discussion session. During the introduction session, the presenters from Rifka Annisa gave a few questions concerning the purpose of marriage, obstacles that are faced, along with the role of a husband and wife at home. The participants seemed enthusiastic, as evidenced by the overwhelming responses from each of the questions that are lodged by the presenters.

The result of the discussion shows that communications between husband and wife are not well maintained. “I’d rather be silent, than to fight, Mbak”, dubbed one of the participant. Most of the participants say that when they are facing a problem, they would rather choose to be silent and secretive. After the discussion, the participants are expected to understand further on the importance of communication in a relationship. Such communication is an important component in creating a harmonious family.

*) Cornelia C Doa is a Masters Student in The Communication Sciences of Universitas Gadjah Mada and a volunteer in the Societal Organization and Advocacy Division at Rifka Annisa.



Translated by  : Julian Martin

From                : Faculty of Law, Universitas Gadjah Mada

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