Wonosari - Friday (17/08), Rifka Annisa collaborated Peer Educator of Vocational High School 1 Wonosari (SMKN 1 Wonosari) to hold a wall magazine competition. It was one of the efforts to accommodate teenagers` creativity in creating media campaign of violence prevention at school. The event took place in Vocational High School 1 Wonosari hall that involved about 52 students of class X. It consisted of 13 groups as representatives of each class. The theme of the event was “Bullying Prevention in Schools”.

            Based on the results of discussion with Peer Educator of Vocational High School 1 Wonosari, Rifka Annisa found that bullying had became a problem that was considered reasonable among learners. There was many teenagers really did not understand the risks and impacts caused by bullying behavior. Through the wall magazine competition of Vocational High School 1 Wonosari, they were expected to understand the risks and impacts of bullying and can avoid it. They also can build healthy relationships and do not commit violence or speaking impolitely in the future.

            The competition lasted for 1 hour. Then it continued the presentation session by each group. the wall magazines contained columns of articles, short stories, poems, caricatures, etc. “Prevention of bullying should involve roles from various parties including teenagers, parents, and schools,” explained one representative of group 5. In addition, she added that bullying could be prevented by following positive activities and the teenagers also must be brave to report when seeing or getting bullying behavior.”

 Written by Ana Widiawati.

Ana Widiwaati is an internship student from International Relations of Brawijaya University.

School is the second home for students. Therefore, the role of a school cannot be separated from the development of the students. From the scope of the school, the teacher also becomes an important actor or teacher of the process of learning and education in school. They are facilitators for students as well as able to be inspirators, motivators and role models.

Experience proves, the role and attention of teachers not only make students successful in terms of cognitive, but also can save students from various problems that can inhibit their goals. Conversely, the attitude of ignorant from the teacher to his students can lead to the further away the students reach their goals.

"Often I find there are girls who are suddenly hysterical. After I trace it there are several factors that cause the behavior, such as lack of attention from people around ". The story was delivered by the teacher SMK N 1 Gedangsari on regular discussion with Rifka Annisa on Friday, August 18, 2017 ago. The event which took place in the meeting room of SMKN 1 Gedangsari invited 11 alumni teachers of "School Based School for Prevention and Handling of Schools" organized by Rifka Annisa in early 2017.

The discussion is a continuation of the prevention program as well as the handling of sexual violence and child aged marriages involving schools and communities in 4 sub-districts (Wonosari, Saptosari, Gedangsari, and Ngawen). In collaboration with SMK N 1 Gedangsari, Rifka Annisa seeks to encourage school-based systems for the prevention and violence of schools in one of the school regulations. In addition, hopefully SMK N 1 Gedangsari can be more empowered, more innovative in resolving the problems and making efforts to prevent violence against women and children. In efforts to prevent and handle violence in school, Rifka Annisa seeks to involve various parties, including principals and teachers both men and women.

Translator: Laras Intansari from Brawijaya University

Yogyakarta - Wednesday (09/08), Australian Consortium in Country Indonesia Studies held a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) Fair event. This event presents a non-governemental organization with various focus issues in Yogyakarta. The aim is to familiarize the organizations with the wider community.

As one of the non-governmental organization in Yogyakarta, Rifka Annisa participated in the event held in Room Yustisia, University Club building of Universitas Gajah Mada. Rifka Annisa comes as a booth filler. Other participating organizations include Satu Nama, RedR Indonesia, Yayasan Rumah Impian, Sahabat Perempuan, and so on. These organizations have various background issues raised from humanitarian issues, child protection, employment, environmental awareness, to women's violence.

Rifka Annisa introduced to the visitors on gender-based violence issues for women in Yogyakarta. In addition, Rifka Annisa also explained about the programs and work that have been done to strive for the elimination of violence against women and unequal gender-based violence. The event attracted students from universities in Yogyakarta such as Gajah Mada University, Yogyakarta State University, and so on. Besides being visited by students in the country, there are also many foreign students who are studying in Indonesia. "This focus is interesting and I am interested to become a volunteer in Rifka Annisa," said Vanessa, an Australian student. Currently, he is studying at Gajah Mada University. She is very enthusiastic about joining NGO Fair and interested to register as a volunteer at Rifka Annisa in the following year after getting more information related to Rifka Annisa.

 Translator: Laras Intansari from Brawijaya University

The involvement of teenagers in campaigns for the prevention of violence against women and children is an important strategy to approach teenagers. The power of 'peer pressure' among teenagers influences their behavior often. The characteristics of development of the teenagers are curiosity, want to be accepted by a group, and acknowledged their existence. When teenagers have peers who behave positively then they will behave positively too. Otherwise, when teenagers have peers who behave negatively, they will also be vulnerable to behave negatively. The relation between teenagers and their peers is an important opportunity to approach teenagers.

            Rifka Annisa has collaborated with Vocational High School 1 Wonosari, Gunungkidul regency, to form Peer Educator Team through various trainings. The next step of the training, the Peer Educator Team of Vocational High School 1 Wonosari held a socialization with the theme “Bullying Prevention at School”, on August 11, 2017.

            The socialization which lasted for 3 hours aimed to provide education and information for teenagers about prevention of bullying. Through this socialization, the teenagers are expected to establish relationships with peers without violence. In addition, this socialization also seeked to provide space for teenagers. So they can improve their capacity as peer educator facilitators.

            In the socialization session, Putri as the members of peer educators explained that bullying is a form of oppression or violence. It is committed intentionally by person or group who stronger or more powerful then others. It`s purposed to harm perpetual perpetration. Putri also explained that the impact of bullying for victims are decreased academic performance, feel inferior, depressed, even suicidal. After the socialization session, the event continued with Focus Group Discussion (FGD). The participants of the socialization were divided into 10 groups and each group was guided by a member of the peer educator team of Vocational High School 1 Wonosari.

 translated by Ana Widiawati

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