Gunungkidul- The formation of village law No. 6 of 2014 encourages new policy at the village level. It confirms that the village is not only an administrative area but as a resource that contributes the development. This perspective gives hope and opportunity to the village`s renewal to change for better. The implementation of this law encourages the participation of the community in development. Its implementation uses the empowerment paradigm of both planning and implementation of development in the village. The empowerment involves women to participate in development. Based on the situation, Rifka Annisa held a training on women's participation in village development on July, 28 to July 30 2017 ago.

 The training held in Pengok Village, Patuk district, Gunungkidul regency. It aimed the participants understand the implementation of village laws, the importance of women`s participation in village development, the village planning and budgeting mechanisms, and the village participation in a participatory way. The training was attended by 23 participants. It also invited Tenti Novira Kurniawati from Institute of Development and Economic Analysis (IDEA) as a facilitator. Tenti started the training session by delivering information about gender and women`s rights. In this session, she invited the participants to identify and determine the roles of men and women in four domains i.e domestic, public, reproductive, and productive. In addition, she invited the participant to map who is the most dominant and have more access and control over resources.

Rifka Annisa also invited Nunik from Mitra Sehati group, Nglipar Village, to give an illustration of real practice. Nunik shared her stories and experiences of participating in village development, including her experience of being involved in the Indonesian Womens Coalition. On the third day of the training, Rifka Annisa invited Doni from the Indonesian Society for Social Transformation (INSIST) to explain the planning of wome`'s participation in village development, that social mapping became the basis of social planning. In this case the participants were quite enthusiastic because Doni managed to bring the best practice stories with language that was easily understood.

 These activity concluded with follow-up plan (RTL) related to what can do in each region based on information by the facilitators. Eka Ariestya,one of the participants from the Setia Mitra Wareng Village group revealed that this training provided many benefits and knowledge. She saw that still much needs to improved and increased in the village development and the empowerment of women. []

Author: Vina Anggraini, Volunteer of Rifka Annisa

Translator : Ana Widiawati from Brawijaya University

Tuesday, 22 August 2017 13:21

Road Show Maturity of Marriage Age

Gunungkidul- Child marriage is one of the issues that threats the rights of children. When they have to marry in early age, they will lose their rights to get an education, get parenting, protection or other rights as written in the Child Protection Act No. 23 of 2002 which has been amended into Child Protection Act No. 35 of 2014. It is also in accordance with what was delivered by Khoirun Ni'mah, as a staff of Rifka Annisa in the Road Show Maturity of Marriage Age at Paliyan district, Gunungkidul regency, on Thursday 27 July 2017. She explained child marriage is often triggered by unhealthy relationships between teenagers that lead to unwanted pregnancy. The event was attended by about 60 people. It was an effort to address the child marriage that still quite high.

           The same thing was also said by Retno from the Women and Community Empowerment Agency (BPPM) of the Special Region of Yogyakarta (DIY). Retno said that the case of child marriage in Gunungkidul is like an iceberg. It meant unreported cases that much larger and invisible. She added the cases of child marriage has reached 1728 cases in Gunungkidul since 2014. In Special Region of Yogyakarta itself the number of mothers died in giving birth about 49 cases because of the mother was still relatively young (teenagers). In addition the impact of child marriage is decline in the quality of the next generation. Retno also explained that teenagers who have not grown perfectly and are still experiencing the process of development then they are still not ready to give birth and nurture a baby physically, mentally, and spiritually

            Meanwhile, Sabit Mustamil as chairman of the Office of Religious Affairs (KUA) Paliyan said that teenagers have received education and socialization related to the prevention of child marriage both in school and in the community. However, the cases of child marriage in Paliyan district are still recorded 2 points. According to him, the fundamental issues of encouraging child marriage are the parenting pattern, the culture of society, and the economic factors. In addition, Sabit explained that the risks of child marriage; teenagers are susceptible to stress and depression, have social burdens, unfair couples` commitments, and unequal sharing of roles in households.

             Seeing these conditions, Marwatahadi as Paliyan Head of District invites all parties and communities to prevent child marriage in the Paliyan district. The event included the signing of Memorandum Of Understanding (MOU) by various parties who attended it. They were the head of district, the village chiefs, the Office of Religious Affairs (KUA), the principals, the Family Welfare Movement (PKK), the police, The Community Police Officer (Bhabinkamtibmas), teenagers, and others.

Author: Ana Widiawati is an internship student from International Relations of Universitas Brawijaya

Gunungkidul- Tuesday & Wednesday, 25th & 26th July 2017, Rifka Annisa becomes the facilitator and also the workshop facilitator for discussion related to UU Desa No. 6 of 2014. The activity that took place at Hotel Cikaraya Gunungkidul was attended by 20 participants that representatives from Jetis Village, Kepek Village, and Ngalang Village. This activity aims to get participants to strengthen village mapping in a participatory and village data-building techniques, as the basis of village planning.

The first day sessions began with the exposure of regulations derived from the Village Law by Farhad from the Gunungkidul District Protection, Women and Children Office. In this case, Farhad describes some regulations as derivatives of the Village Law, such as Government Regulation No. 43 of 2014 which was changed to Government Regulation Number 47 of 2015, then Government Regulation Number 60 of 2014 changed into Government Regulation Number 22 Year 2015 and Government Regulation Number 8 Year 2016 Related to the Village Fund. Related to the many rules of this derivation, Farhad still emphasizes the five principal substance of Village Law, namely recognition and subsidiaritas, village democratization, social capital and creativity of the village, village finance, and people's economy.

Unlike the first day, three speakers on the second day stressed the importance of the Village Information System for participatory village planning, especially regarding the importance of marginalized needs such as women, children and disability groups. This topic was delivered by Muhammad from the Indonesian Society for Social Transformation (INSIST), Agus Hermanto community acting from Beji Village, and Dina Mariana from Institute for Research and Empowerment (IRE). Furthermore, at the end of the session, Director of Rifka Annisa, Suharti, conveyed the related story of Rifka Annisa's experience in running various activities program which is expected to help increase the participation of women in village government level.

Two days of discussing the village law, the participants were enthusiastic, especially when the material sessions were related to the implementation of information systems and gender equality in the lowest level of government. An interesting discussion among participants and facilitators has colored this activity, although there are still some differences regarding the conceptual understanding of gender equality with its implementation in relation to the Village Law which often occurs in the field.

Written: Vina Anggraini relawan magang dari Universitas Brawijaya, Malang, Jawa Timur.

Translator : Laras Intansari from Brawijaya University

Gunungkidul- As an effort to prevent and handle violence against women and children, Rifka Annsia cooperates with various parties including the Village Government. One of the villages in Gunungkidul who became a partner of Rifka Annisa is Jetis Village, Saptosari sub-district. The Jetis Village has a fairly active Forum for the Handling Victims of Violence against Women and Children (FPK2PA). FPK2PA has been formed since November 2015 and along with the declaration of prevention of child marriage in Saptosari District. They worked for the prevention and handling of violence against women and children by involving various parties among them; District Government, PKK, teenagers and etc.

                On Monday, July 24, 2017, Rifka Annisa was invited to be a speaker in the coordination event and the establishment of a new board of FPK2PA Jetis Village. In this case Nurmawati the speaker ifrom Rifka Annisa explained the main task and function of the management of FPK2PA. The event that lasted from 13.00 s.d 16.00 WIB aims to evaluate the form of success and various challenges experienced by the forum. In addition, the purpose of this meeting was to establish a new stewardship and to discuss again the work of FPK2PA. Because the importance of a forum that deals with violence against women and children needs to be improved in quality, in the service field, especially in the addition of personnel. Participants who attended this meeting were approximately 41 people, including The Headman of Village, Chairman of FPK2PA, Village Secretary, Kesra, representatives from Rifka Annisa and other members.

                In the beginning, FPK2PA consisted only of two service areas, namely the field of prevention and handling. However, at this time, the field of FPK2PA services increased, one of them health field by involving villagers who work in the field of health, such as midwives, nurses, pharmacists and so on. In addition, the formation of the new board involves religious leaders and hamlets in Jetis Village. Yatinah, the vice chairman of FPK2PA, revealed that during this time FPK2PA activities are lacking spirit, but with the new board members, it is expected that the forum will become more active and also the Village Children's Forum (FAD) can be revived. Yatinah also added that FAD can be a positive activity space for children and adolescents, so that they can avoid the vulnerabilities to become victims and perpetrators of violence.

Writen by: Sarahtua Simanungkalit Relawan Magang dari Medan

Translator : Laras Intansari form Brawijaya University

Friday, 28 July 2017 17:35

What`s with Teenagers?

This article was inspired from a case in my school. This is the story. It is not a trivial issue but a very certain problem that can harm many parties. Today`s young people are very different from the young people in the past. Parents said that teenager in the past always consider the risks that will be accepted when do actions, meanwhile today`s teenager are highfalutin without thinking along and only concern about the short pleasure. That's my opinion, maybe you are disagree.

            I observe in various news, today's teenager is very different from the previous year. Supported by technological advances, it is a lot of problems caused such as pornography, bullying, trapped promiscuity, drug abuse, and others. They are the future of the nation which is the most valuable asset. But they are stuck in a situation that eliminates their potential. Unwanted pregnancy is something that may happen a lot. The worse, they are still underage and they do not think about marriage or family. A girl who get pregnant out of wedlock usually always take a action for abortion. She do not think about the baby that they had taken her/his life. The act will burden her life later. However, i also understand that the girl must be in a very difficult situation and nobody wants to understand or help find a solution.

            I am a high school student in Gunungkidul regency. The beginning of this case occured in the new school year in 2016. There are a  boy and a girl as student of Vocational High School (SMK) who just entered the school early last year. They were in dating relationship. In the second semester, there was a learning activity called work placement program. In my opinion, this activity is one thing eagerly awaited by the students of Vocational High School because of this activity can be a show off moment.

            Yes right, show off. This activity for student to feel directly working in an industry. Its cause is minimal control from parents and teachers. So it can happen. Moreover, parents usually give a lot of moneys to their teen as a support for her/his activity in the internship place.

            Communication between these two students never stopped. One day they knew where is the workplacement place each other. Furthermore, technological advance and minimal parental control over teenager's mobile phones are the next factor. Mobile phone is like a primary need in today's teenage life.

            The workplacement program periode is three months. Two months, their relationship runs with communication through mobile phone that is very smooth and weak control from teachers and parents. One day they make an appointment to meet in the place that they set before. At first they are ashamed as new people. As soon as the time they are  more comfortable. They start to touch each other because their lust.

            The intership program are done. The time to go back school. It feels like coming back to being a fresh student at school. Day by day there are signs of the girl. She was often alone or depressed, even she also skipped school. It did not take long, the teacher visited her. After investigating in detail and taking the medical tests. The result is the girl pregnant..

            Finally the teacher discussed to return the girl to her parents again. While the boy was also expelled from school. The schools started to do refinement step by step such as starting religious events, inviting anti-violence organizations and others. They hoped it would reduce that irritating cases.

            That problem often happens from the beginning of dating relationship. I think dating realationship is one of the ways to have sex as a prestige. But what is the result? They are just wasting time that should be a slow-moving incident. Sometimes people closest even become one of the dangers. It likes a term, 'Closely tightening to stick a knife as deep as possible'. Why choose to have dating relationship if in the end even be painful and harm? It's not just about them, but also for me, you and all of us. We, young people should be able to think about the good and bad.

            So basically we are as the youth of the nation have to think positively. Do not always put prestige and increase prestige with negative things. Say no to child abuse, sexual and drug crimes and so on. It is appropriate that we are as youth of the nation fill our daily life with things that are benefit and reach the achievement with good and satisfactory way. Yes, We can!

Oleh Hima Beng2 (A student in Gunungkidul )

*Hima Beng2 is the name of the initials of the disguised writer to protect privacy and confidentiality for telling sensitive cases.

**Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in this paper are entirely the author's perspective and responsibility.

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