Wednesday, 26 October 2016 12:32


Responding to the many alleged cases of sexual violence that occurred in the department of education, especially higher education in Yogyakarta, it takes great effort to deal with such cases.

Victims or people who know of the existence of sexual violence should not be silent with such knowledge. The willingness and courage to provide information would be very helpful in the process of handling cases of sexual violence that promotes the interests, protection and justice for the victims and the prevention of the recurrence of similar cases. Rifka Annisa offers space for complaints over cases of sexual violence occurring in education, especially higher education environment with the following conditions:

  1. Rifka Annisa will maintain the confidentiality of the identity of the victim and / or complainant.
  2. Rifka Annisa provide psychological counselling, legal and referral services necessary for the victim and / or complainant.
  3. The reports received by Rifka Annisa will be used to advocate the prevention and response to sexual violence in the educational environment, especially the higher education institution.

Complaints can be made via email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ANNISA and hotline Rifka Annisa in 085100431298 and 085799057765, or come directly to the office of Rifka Annisa Jl. Jambon IV Komplek Jatimulyo Indah, Tegalrejo, Yogyakarta.

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