Written by Tuesday, 28 April 2015 Published in Berita
Tepat di hari kamis, tanggal 23 April 2015, seorang bapak sedang bercakap dengan anak laki-lakinya perihal sebuah brosur yang menginfokan tentang khitanan massal. Sang Bapak kemudian mengajak anaknya untuk segera mendaftar khitan ke panitia. Awalnya si anak penasaran, mengapa ia harus dikhitan. “Iya karena kamu laki-laki,” jawab Sang Bapak. Si anak pun bersemangat untuk mengikuti khitanan massal tersebut. Begitulah sepenggal cerita dari drama yang dipentaskan oleh kelompok remaja laki-laki pada sesi awal kegiatan Youth Camp “Pendidik Sebaya untuk Pencegahan dan Penanganan Kekerasan terhadap Perempuan dan Anak” 23-26 April 2015 di Dusun Tanjung 1, Desa Bleberan, Kec.Playen. Di sesi tersebut, para…
Written by Wednesday, 24 December 2014 Published in Berita
Larissa Ranft Intern in Public Relation and Media Division Rifka Annisa  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.   I was very excited to be involved in the training session held by Rifka Annisa. The training took a theme of “The Role of the Community in the Prevention of Domestic Violence against Women and Children in Gunungkidul”. The training which took place in Djoglo Samiaji, Wonosari on the 17th and 18th of September, was held with the purpose to learn and discuss about the role of the community in the fight against domestic violence. The group of participants consisted of twelve men and seven women, including…
Written by Saturday, 18 October 2014 Published in Berita
By : Laksmi Amalia Media This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Studies about bioethics are usually conducted in response to incidences of inhumane medical experimentation,such as the testing conducted in concentration camps during Nazi Germany or the infamous Tuskegee syphilis experiment.  These studies emphasise the importance of ethics in biological and medical research.Additionally, studies about bioethics allow for issues in the medical field, such as euthanasia, to be examined from philosophical, social and legal perspectives. However, traditional bioethical studies are sometimes inadequate in accomodating certain issues, particularly those concerning minority groups. In response to this,new studieslabelled as “feminist bioethics” have begun to emerge. Compared to…
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