Wednesday, 26 October 2016 12:40


On Friday June 17th the Management Forum for Women and Children Victims of Violence (local language abbreviation, FPK2PA) gathered at the Village Hall, Ngalang. The event is a regular meeting scheduled in Ngalang whereby FPK2PA groups can learn about violence in the family. FPK2PA feel the need to understand this because in the Ngalang village there is still physical and verbal violence against children such as; cursing, hitting and kicking, and violence in the home. Heni, who served as Chairman of FPK2PA in Ngalang, is currently assisting cases of child violence in the village where he grew up. "According to the current mentoring process, the children are the victims of their parents which impacts the child’s progression in school and the relationships of this child," said Heni.

For Atun who is also a member of the FPK2PA board in Ngalang, working in counselling services, and learning about domestic violence is not easy. For her to talk about personal family experiences is a challenge because of the taboo around this issue.

This initiative is the work of approximately 15 people, starting with a forum on the implementation of the scheduled programs for the next 3 years. In 2016, as the initial program planning, FPK2PA will submit the budget to the village. It is part of the village's commitment to encourage efforts to prevent violence against women and children. This process is also an opportunity to review village legislation in Ngalang, such development has typically been done by women's groups in the villages. They participate in rural development through discussions and educational organizations.

The discussion started with a reflection about the self, about life experiences, past experiences, and any instances of violence from each person present. In this process the participants drew a picture of what they had suffered. One of them, whose name is Lia, the mother of a child who was treated at the village medical clinic. In the paper she was had bruised lips. Images that she created all had a story that she was often angry with her son because her son often annoyed her. "My children constantly ask things of me and it can frustrate me and I can become very angry very quickly," said Lia. Although afterwards she was sorry and felt terribly sad. This experience led her to reflect on not doing it again to her son.

Another story also came from Atun, she drew a hand on the red paper. She told a story of when her son was little and she would always impose her will and desires on him. Atun acknowledge her behaviour has had effects on her son. She also realized what she had done has made her son insecure and decision-making is a difficult task for him. She was sad and sorry about what she had done and admitted this was not good parenting. But now she realizes, that before she was caring out of ignorance. "Now I do not want that to happen again, I implement positive parenting and will encourage my children grow into confident and socializing evolving environment, "said Atun.

The event provides skills and supplies for participants. Furthermore FPK2PA members will continue to visit villages and to share such information to the public. These lessons will also continue to contribute to the strengthening of the capacity of facilitators who will return on 23 to 24 June 2016. Fitri is a facilitator of discussion and shared personal reflection and that itself becomes knowledge that can be discussed. "We can learn from the experience of everyone's life," said Fitri.

Translated by: Emma Hardy

Wednesday, 26 October 2016 11:58

Friday-Saturday 6-7 May 2016 FPK2PA (Management Forum for Women and Children Victims of Violence) Ngalang Village, District Gedangsari, Gunung Kidul Regency conducting program planning for the coming year. The activity was held in the village hall Ngalang and facilitated by Rifka Annisa WCC. The forum was attended by 15 officials representing FPK2PA in the village Ngalang.

FPK2PA is an institution under the sponsorship of the Ngalang village government role in eliminating violence. On Friday, May 6, 2016, the board FPK2PA outline the potential, expectations and challenges. In the discussion of this mapping, the participants tell the most enjoyable experiences during their stay in the Ngalang village, the success of each initiative in the last five months, their dreams for the Ngalang village, and the lastly they discussed what the challenges are in achieving such ambitions.

As for the results of these discussions, among others; participants were aware that individuals in FPK2PA are people whom passionately study, are honest, compassionate, humorous, respectful, responsible, empathetic, unyielding, and adaptable. Participants also expressed that there is social capital in communities like Rasulan Ngalang village. Rasulan conduct clean-up activities and mutual cooperation between citizens. Rasulan culture teaches children to learn to socialize, respect others and be grateful.

One of the participants reported that, "In the old days children go to school together, playing in the river and rice fields, feeding the goats, and play ing with traditional toys together. In the past children were not typically alone. Instead, usually accompanied by a friend or in pairs. Thus, the possibility of a sexual relationship before marriage was a lot smaller." FPK2PA Managers complain about the condition of children and teenagers today. The influence of technology makes children become individualistic, they do not play together, do not respect adults and are involved in unhealthy relationships.

Seeing this phenomenon, the board concluded FPK2PA Ngalang want to make the village into a harmonious environment and free of violence. This is because in the past the village Ngalang has been an area that is prosperous, the future need to prepare and equip the Ngalang village to become a convenient place to grow and develop for children like it was in the past. Although there are challenges such as teenage promiscuity freer and technology, FPK2PA still have to try to build a fair and prosperous society.

The method used in the process, namely AI (Appreciative Inquiry). AI is a new approach to help communities achieve his dream. The assumption of this approach is every community has the talent, expertise, success stories, and other resources that can be developed. This approach notes that the community has the strength and capacity to make necessary changes. So, after discovering the potential and abmitions, FPK2PA administrators began formulating strategies and programs to achieve common goals.

Later on, Saturday May 7, 2016, the board agreed on five strategies that revealed a variety of programs for FPK2PA Ngalang village. Firstly, information sharing strategies. Such as: programs on domestic violence, reproductive health, and the dangers of smoking, drugs and alcohol. The board also agreed to create a Facebook page as a campaign tool. Second, increased capacity for the FPK2PA board. Such capacity is to be possessed by the board as a resource for victims of violence and there will be a guest speaker as part of the distribution. Third, obtaining support from village administration. Gathering and integrating communication activities is very important to do. Fifth, provide services to support victims of violence. Sixth, build the movement, such as non-formal dialogue with friends, family and community. Seven, obtain community support, by visiting villages and attending events to disseminate issues of women and children. Recently there was an evaluation and reflection. This evaluation is important to do at least once a month to see the implementation of the program and improvements for the village FPK2PA Ngalang.

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