Gunungkidul (19/7) - Students of SMK Negeri 1 Ngawen, Gunungkidul Regency performed drama in School Introduction activities (PLS) as a way to make it easier for new student to see the reality that happened. The 30 minute drama show is associated with Rifka Annisa's topic on "Healthy Relations". Attended by 357 students, this drama got a good appreciation by the participants.

Peer educators who were accompanied by Rifka Annisa in the late one year realized that it would be more interesting to socialize "Healthy relations" through drama performances. Peer educator community also agreed to perform a drama with the title "Pacaran Masa Kini" or known as Dating Nowadays. The drama showed us two types of present-day teens relationships with non sense without thinking about the future, and establishing healthy relationships by thinking of education as the ultimate goal of life.

The drama is played by Hendra, et al, and the core of the drama they play is to prevent the child's marriage. In the end of drama, Hendra delivered a message to his peer. He said "Promote a good relationship and think about your education first. We are not making wrong for dating but do not having relationship that make your future destroyed "said Hendra.

After the drama performances presented by the peer educator community hence to add explanation from the drama, Rifka Annisa held a socialization of "Healthy Relations" to explain how to actually establish a relationship and how the actual dynamics of adolescents. The socialization of "healthy relations" conducted by Rifka Annisa introduced who is a teenager originally and the vulnerabilities of teenagers who are often victims. Because of the lack of self-control of teenagers makes them both victims and perpetrator of violence.

The nature of adolescents who tend to be unstable make teens experience victims of violence in a sustainable manner. Conducting campaign on "Healthy relations" is an option agreed by the school with Rifka Annisa, because it is based on the number of early marriages that still occur in the area of ​​Gunungkidul due to bad relations. Therefore, Rifka Annisa hoped with the socialization of "Healthy Relations", then the students can more establish a good relationship and reduce the percentage of child marriage figures. So that the nation's generation is increasingly educated and more advanced. (Lamtiar Tambunan/Laras Intansari)

Gunungkidul (17/7) - Rifka Annisa was invited as resource person for School Introduction Activity (PLS) at SMK Negeri 1 Saptosari Gunungkidul Regency with the theme of Healthy Relations. This activity is routinely done by Rifka Annisa and school every year. The topics presented first are discussed with the school. In accordance with the schedule that has been determined, then Monday, June 17, 2017 Rifka Annisa facilitated one of the PLS activities in SMK Negeri 1 Saptosari. The number of students at that time is around 600 people so that the participants are divided into two classes.

In the first class, the socialization of healthy relations and introductions about Rifka Annisa is briefly conveyed by Tiwuk Lejar Sayekti and Lutviah. While in the second class as the speaker is Khoirun Ni'mah. The purpose of Rifka Annisa socialization is to provide insight to each student to prevent violence to teenagers in educational institutions, especially violence in courtship. In addition, other goals in conducting socialization is tailored to the situation and circumstances that tend to occur in the Gunungkidul region is the high number of marriage age of children. It is expected that with the socialization of healthy relations between adolescents we can prevent the occurrence of early marriage for the next generation.

            Healthy Relations is about the age of adolescence, difficult things that accurs to the teenagers, problems faced by adolescents, teenagers especially in dating, and the types of violences while also related to the cases which handled by Rifka Annisa. During the socialization, the students partly were mindful and some students were not paying attention.

            The sosialization lasted about two hours, starting at 10:00 a.m until 12:00 a.m. Rifka Annisa did not gave theory in the form of power point but also played the video at the end about the story of Amanda Todd, a teenager who experienced violence in her association and experienced bullying.(Lamtiar Tambunan/Ana Widiawati)

Yogyakarta - Public Health students who joined in the Australian Consortium for "In-Country" Indonesian Studies (ACICIS) visited Rifka Annisa on Friday (14/7). Wulan, as representative from ACICIS said the visit aims to learn about Rifka Annisa`s efforts to address violence against women and children and the challenges.

            The discussion between Rifka Annisa and ACICIS took place at 02.00 p.m in the Rifka Annisa Hall. The discussion was guided by Defirentia One as the Manager of Public Relations and Media Division and Nurul Kurniati as the counselors in Assistance Division. The discussion was attended by 40 students who are the members of ACICIS and also the internship students of Rifka Annisa.

            The discussion began with the explanation of Rifka Annisa in general by Defirentia One. It focused on profiles, vision-missions, divisions and Rifka Annisa`s programs.

            “We (Rifka Annisa) believe that violence against women occurs because it is influenced by other factors. So it’s not only because of one factor but multilevel factors,” she said about the ecological framework used by Rifka Annisa. Based on the framework, the factors that influence consist of individual factors, family/personal relationships, community, and national and global structures.

            For the handling of violence against women and children, Rifka Annisa also undertakes ways in accordance with the framework through psychological counseling, legal counseling, medical care, and providing a safe house (shelter). Even psychological counseling is not only for women but also for men because it will be more effective that handling the case involves both parties.

            In addition, One also presented cases data of violence against women and children that has been handled Rifka Annisa from 2011-2016. It included the types of Domestic Violence (KDRT), Rape, Sexual Violence, etc.

            Based on the data, the most common case is Domestic Violence (KDRT). Meanwhile, Jessie, one of the participants, said that in Australia alone the most frequent case is sexual violence. One explained that the causes of domestic violence include the inability of emotional management, economic problems, and gender inequality.

            Nurul Kurniati explained to the participant who asked about the prevention of domestic before getting marriage. “When a couple is getting married, it needs a commitment. The commitment prevents the occurrence of domestic violence.”

            She revealed that the matchmaking case is not legally regulated in Indonesia. It is only regulated in common law. For the marriage itself, there is a law that regulates it.

            Answering the question about children`s education program from Ali, the participant of the discussion, One revealed that Rifka Annisa also has Rifka Goes to School and Rifka Goes to Campus as one of the efforts to prevent violence. (Ana Widiawati)

Yogyakarta - Department of Women Empowerment and Child Protection of West Sumba Regency, Nusa Tenggara Timur visited Rifka Annisa, Wednesday (12/7). The visit was greeted and guided directly by Manager Division Assistance, Indiah Wahyu Andari. The visit which took place since 10:30 am starting with discussions and sharing experiences about the methods of handling victims of violence conducted by Rifka Annisa and the Department of Women Empowerment and Child Protection of West Sumba.

            Esther, one of the representatives of the Department of Women Empowerment and Child Protection of West Sumba, said that they chose Rifka Annisa as a referral because Rifka Annisa has been experienced in handling cases of violence against women and children since 1993. The meeting started with discussing the comparison of shelter owned by the Department of Women Empowerment and Child Protection of West Sumba and the one which owned by Rifka Annisa. Indiah explained if there is client who need a shelter then there are some regulations such as the client is not allowed to hold the phone and money. This is done so that the client can not be influenced by the perpetrator and keep the confidential home shelter Rifka Annisa. But that does not mean the client can not use communication tools. The Rifka Annisa just controls to know who is in contact with the client.

            “The time period for the client in the shelter maximum two weeks. And it was conveyed since the client entered the shelter but if the case is not completed until two weeks, the Rifka Annisa try to understand it,” Indiah explained. In addition, Indiah also asserted that the client who are in shelter Rifka Annisa keep doing empowerment activities such as making hand skills.

            Similar to the rules in Rifka Annisa, Esther also revealed the length of the time to stay in the shelter for only two weeks and also equipped with other facilities. She also told not only to act as a `shelter mother` but also to do double role as companion of client if the case was handled legally.

            Meanwhile, Esther explained the shelter conditions in West Sumba.  “However, the shelters in West Sumba are still very open, she said.

            Another difference, Rifka Annisa has joined the discussion forum with other institutions in DIY Yogyakarta in the forum that addressed victims of violence against women and children (FPK2PA). While the West Sumba shelter, which until now has not followed the discussion forum with other institutions.

            “That`s our problem, we do not have a discussion forum and the shelter room is still open” Esther said. At the end of the meeting, Esther expected the guidance given by the Rifka Annisa and hoped that the Rifka Annisa could be a container discussion for the West Sumba shelter. (Ana Widiawati/Lamtiar Tambunan)

*Ana Widiawati and Lamtiar Tambunan are students intern working with Division of Public Relation and Media of Rifka Annisa.

Wednesday, 26 July 2017 14:37

Seminar Hak Asasi Manusia

Seminar tentang Hak Asasi Manusia diselenggarakan pada tanggal 30 Maret 2017 bertempat di Gedung PAU, UIN Sunan Kalijaga, Yogyakarta. Seminar ini menghadirkan dua pembicara penting yaitu Dr. Muh. Indadun Rahmat, M.Si. selaku Ketua Komisi Nasional Hak Asasi Manusia (Komnas HAM) dan Dr. Siti Ruhaini Dzuhayatin, MA. selaku Dosen Fakultas Syariah dan Hukum UIN Sunan Kalijaga sekaligus Komisioner Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OKI). Seminar ini merupakan bagian dari rangkaian acara kerja sama sama antara UIN Sunan Kalijaga dan Komnas HAM dalam rangka mendorong kampus Ramah HAM.

Dalam presentasinya tentang “Mainstreaming HAM: Pembangunan Berbasis HAM Melalui Kota Ramah HAM”, Indadun Rahmat memaparkan tentang konsep pembangunan berbasis HAM yang saat ini tengah didorong pemerintah. Pemerintah melalui Komnas HAM sedang menjalankan program Kota Ramah HAM yang telah berhasil merangkul 15 kabupaten kota di Indonesia. Menurut Indadun Rahmat, aspek-aspek yang harus diperhatikan dalam pembangunan berbasis HAM adalah aspek partisipasi, akuntabilitas, berpihak pada kelompok rentan (affirmative action), dan pemberdayaan. Aspek-aspek tersebut sangat penting dalam upaya mewujudkan pembangunan berbasis HAM untuk memastikan masyarakat tetap terpenuhi hak-hak dasarnya sebagai manusia di tengah upaya-upaya pembangunan yang dilakukan oleh pemerintah.

Siti Ruhaini Dzuhayatin menyampaikan materi tentang “Independent Permanent Human Right Comission (IPHRC), Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OKI): Kontribusi dan Manfaat bagi Indonesia”. Dalam presentasinya, ia menyampaikan bahwa Indonesia memiliki citra positif dalam penegakkan HAM di mata dunia, khususnya diantara negara-negara anggota OKI. Namun demikian, ia menyampaikan bahwa Indonesia masih memiliki banyak tantangan dalam mewujudkan terpenuhinya hak asasi manusia. Misalnya ancaman dari kelompok populis yang seringkali menggunakan isu SARA untuk memecah belah persatuan bangsa.

Salah satu isu perempuan yang diangkat dalam seminar ini adalah fenomena sunat perempuan dan perkawinan usia anak. Praktik-praktik tersebut merupakan bukti masih minimnya pemenuhan hak asasi perempuan. Siti Ruhaini Dzuhayatin mengakui masih ada beberapa individu maupun kelompok agama yang masih membolehkan praktik-praktik tersebut dilakukan. Akibatnya, judicial review terkait batas usia perkawinan bagi perempuan beberapa waktu lalu ditolak oleh Mahkamah Konstitusi. Oleh karena itu, perubahan paradigma yang berpihak pada HAM sangat penting dilakukan demi mewujudkan terpenuhinya hak asasi manusia bagi setiap individu, khususnya perempuan sebagai kelompok yang paling rentan. (Lutviah)

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