Program-Program Rifka Annisa

Rifka Annisa berkomitmen melakukan kerja kuratif (penanganan) dan preventif (pencegahan) untuk penghapusan kekerasan berbasis gender.

NoProgramDonor / Mitra
2024PENGADAAN PENYUSUNAN REKOMENDASI KEBIJAKAN TURUNAN ANALIS SPHPN MELALUI TEMATIK KDRT|| Jumlah dana Rp150.150.000 || Periode Mei – Juli 2024Kementrian Pemberdayaan Perempuan dan Perlindungan Anak
Republik Indonesia
Jalan Medan Merdeka Barat No 15, Jakarta 10110
2024-2026PROGRAM BERDAYA (2022-2023)The Asia Foundation 
Improvement of the Access to Legal and Social Services for Women in Papua  
Periode : Juli 2024 – Juli 2026 
2023-2024First Responder Training for cases of sexual violence in the work/company environmentIndonesia Business Coalition for Women Empowerment (ICBWE) dan PT Riau Andalan Pulp and Paper (APRIL)
Respectful Workplace Policy Training PT Semen Indonesia Group. 
Training on Preventing and Handling Cases of Violence in the Company EnvironmentPT Dharma Satya Nusantara Group
2023Women's Leadership GuidanceMinistry of the Empowerment of Women and Perempuan and Protection of Children (KPPPA) by PPSW
2023-2024“Creator Space: This Youth Can”Indika Foundation, search for common ground,  
Gender and Freedom of Religion and Belief (KBB)”
(Period: October 2023 – February 2024)
2022-2023 PROGRAM BERDAYA (2022-2023)The Asia Foundation 
Improvement of the Access to Legal and Social Services for Women in Papua  
Periode : Juli 2022 – Juli 2024
2022 PROJECT TANGGUH  Global Fund for Women 
Promoting gender mainstreaming to fight corruption that reinforced injustice on women’s health and social life.
Period: May – December 2022 
2022Project on Mental Health Services in response to COVID-19Yayasan Keadilan dan Perdamaian Indonesia (YKPI)
(Period: March - May 2022 / October - December 2022)
Project Rapid Response Grant-Making ProgrammeUrgent Action Fund For Women's Human Rights Asia & Pacific
(Period: October-December 2022)   
Project for Writing a Module for Preventing Human Trafficking Crimes through a Transformative Gender ApproachKabar Bumi 
(Period: November 2022-Maret 2023)   
Consultation Service Project: Training of Trainer GEDSI Program ToGETHER (November 2022-January 2023)Caritas Germany Indonesia 
Development of a National Action Plan for the Elimination of Domestic Violence in IndonesiaFriedrich Ebert Stiftung (FES) Indonesia dan Kementerian Koordinator Bidang Pembangunan Manusia dan Kebudayaan 
Research project on the implementation and integration of PLTMH/GBVi/SRH in health crisis situations, including the implementation of PPAM in emerging situations in the province of D.I. Yogyakarta
Period: June 2021 – January 2022 
2021 Monitoring research on the implementation of Law No. 23/2004 and the Elimination of Domestic Violence in 11 regions in Indonesia (continued)Friedrich Ebert Stiftung (FES) Indonesia and the Ministry for Coordinating Human Development and Culture
Period: March – June 2021 
  Access to justice for vulnerable and marginalized  women in Yogyakarta during COVID-19 pandemicThe Asia Foundation 
Period: April – August 2021 
  Quantitative research (survey) on sexual violence on campuses in D.I. YogyakartaARROW 
  Psychological consultation and referral for survivor of  Gender Based Violence in 3 Districts in Daerah Istimewa  YogyakartaHandicap International   
Period: July – December 2021 Federation (Humanity & Inclusion)
  Mental health services related to challenges of the COVID-19 pandemicYKPI (Yayasan Keamanan dan Perdamaian Indonesia)  
Period: October – December 2021 
Focus Group Discussion Reconstructing Masculinity:  Defining the Alternatives in IndonesiaThe Asia Foundation, India 
2020Penelitian monitoring implementasi UU No. 23 Tahun 2004 tentang Penghapusan Kekerasan Dalam Rumah Tangga di 11 wilayah di IndonesiaFriedrich Ebert Stiftung (FES) Indonesia dan Kementerian Koordinator Bidang Pembangunan Manusia dan Kebudayaan 
Development of a National Action Plan for the Elimination of Domestic Violence in Indonesia
Strengthening collaboration grant: Penguatan kapasitas anggota Aliansi Satu Visi untuk hak Kesehatan seksual dan reproduksiAliansi Satu Visi 
Strengthening the capacity of Aliansi Satu Visi members for the rights of sexual health and reproduction
2019-2023 PROGRAM KARAWANG BERSERI (2019-2023)Pertamina EP 
Karawang is free from violence against women and children, developed/progressive and, independent.